January 15, 2014

Rock on, my Friends.

"A friend loves at all times..." -Proverbs 17:17

You know that friend you have?  The one with the fiery red rocker hair and the unmistakeable laugh?  The one who will take over for you when you can't make it to the "Mother's Day Tea" at your kid's preschool?  The one who will come pick you up and drive you to the chiropractor because your neck has frozen and you can barely walk?  The one who will drop everything if someone mentions the beach?  The one who will take you to the Rainbow in LA, and the roller derby, and to coffee at the mall...just so you can sit and laugh while watching "the mall guy" in his classic rocker clothes power-walk by?  The one who fell apart, so you flew across the entire country to pick her up?  Oh, you don't have that friend?  I'm sorry.  How terrible for you.

I have a life full of friends, and I'm gaining more in this amazing season of my life.  There will be some who will be a casual acquaintance, there will be some who teach me lessons, there will be some who I will guide.  But, it's those who just walk beside you.  Those who you may or may not have a lot in common with.  Those who are just...there.  The ones who are loving you at ALL times.  The ones who you are loving at ALL times.  Those are the ones who really make your life different.

I want to be that friend.  I want to know that whatever the season, I have it in me to be light, to show love, to lend a hand, to laugh at the guy at the mall.

Isn't Jesus that friend to me?  His example beats even that of my very best friends.   (And I've got some good ones.)  I really want to focus in this new season on being intentional in my relationships.  It's so important that we are just PRESENT in the lives of those around us.  People don't normally need huge favors.  The don't need hours of conversation.  They don't need entire days of our lives.  But, the little help we can offer, the few minutes on the phone, the visit at the coffee shop...those times add up.  And when the sum total of it all comes together, not a moment has been wasted, and a friend has been gained.

"Sacrifice" some time and effort in your near future.  If it's a coffee date or a dinner out, or an entire party of people at your house, just go ahead and do it.  You won't regret the time you invest.  You'll find that every moment was part of God's plan to let you love and to let you be loved.

Today's Prayer:
Father, help me to be a meaningful friend in the lives of those near and dear to me.  Keep me from seeing myself as too busy or too messy or not worth it.  Don't let my unkempt house or a fussy baby keep me from interacting and inviting people over.  Help me find ways to bond and get to know the potential friends around me, and guide me not only to those who need me, but also to the ones who I need in my life.  Thank you for being the ultimate example of a friend who sticks closer than a brother.  And, thank you so much for my friends.  Especially the one who names her dogs after rock stars.  Amen.


Unknown said...

And then there's the friend who notices the little things that will bless you--and you didn't even know how deeply you'd be touched--sharpened pencils and a tidied desk, coffee, a sweet note--and suddenly you feel SEEN, and LOVED. And if she has a Southern accent and says things like "Idontlikethat" in one word, well then you're just plain lucky!

kelticgurl said...

I am so honored by this. Every time I read it. I cry EVERY time too. I love you and miss you so much.