Have you ever told someone to "break a leg"? Have you ever asked God, in prayer, to break someone's leg? I did that today, this morning, for the first time in my life. The only reason I felt that I could ask that of God, is because I had a revelation about shepherding and I knew that He had given it to me.
If a sheep goes astray from the flock that is it's family, a good shepherd will search high and low, calling out to the sheep, hoping that it will recognize his voice, and return. When the shepherd finds the lost sheep, he breaks it's two front legs. This is not a means of abuse or cruelty. This is so that he can then lift that precious sheep to his shoulders, and proceed to carry it wherever he goes. At that level, the sheep can then see as it's master sees, feel his master's breathing, and, above all, hear his master's voice...until it's the most natural and beautiful thing that the sheep knows. It's a voice the sheep never again wants to stray from. "My sheep know my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."--John 10:27 The most perfect thing about this is that, by the time the shepherd lowers that adoring sheep back to the ground, they've both learned to love and trust each other more, and the sheep has received it's healing.
Someone I love dearly has strayed far from his Master. I've asked God to break his leg, to lift him up, to carry him until he recalls and follows that voice that will always be beckoning for him.
Thank you Danielle. I needed that message today.
I was serendipitously looking at different blogs and came across yours and couldn't believe my eyes!! I wrote a blog on the same day with the same picture of Jesus holding the lamb, but by a different artist!! How's that for a "grand coincodink". Check it out at WholesomeLivingJournal.blogspot.com
Love your blog, by the way...
I hear your heart. You have expressed yourself very well. I know your hands are easily full but I always enjoy hearing your thoughts and expressions. I wish sometimes that you could write more. :-)
Your friend...
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